Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Radiation Fatigue?

I've been feeling pretty good except for tightness in my groin that has made walking difficult. In fact, I hadn't even been taking much ibuprofen. But yesterday evening my groin started hurting again (I had been copying a couple of files and making alot of sideways weight shifting) By the time I got home around 6:30pm I was really tired. I ate dinner, watched TV for an hour and could not keep my eyes open. It was beyond sleepy -- more like shaky tired. I went to bed and slept for 9(!) hours. I woke up a couple times briefly, but only long enough to visit the bathroom, take more ibuprofen, and right back to bed, as tired as I was when I went to bed. I finally got up after the 9 hours, but I feel like I could sleep some more. At least it's not like I have to sleep. More like I wish I could just stay in bed all day. (I might get my chance tomorrow since more snow is in the forecast for tonight) I see the radiation doc this afternoon so I'll ask him about it. I have been working long hours since the middle of the day is interrupted with radiation. At least that will change next week

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