Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Good Night's Sleep

It's amazing what a difference sleeping well can do for your energy and well being. Thursday night I managed to wake just once and when the alarm went off I could have stayed in bed. Then last night I slept for almost 6 hours without waking. Heaven! I got up for a little while as I usually do because my back gets achy after 6 hours in bed. And when I did get back to bed I could have slept longer still but it was 7:30 already and we need to get some errands done before the expected snow fly this afternoon.

I feel pretty good this morning. :) Makes me feel much more positive about dealing with this while I continue to work. My hip is really stiff, though. It's not so much "pain" as it is just having to work to lift my left leg forward. Might need some physical therapy once radiation is over. I've been using the cane more and more.

I found out yesterday that my oncologist won't be there for my appointment on the 24th. That's a bummer because I wanted to hear his reason for not doing surgery. I also had another little heart attack when when I saw the office had called. But I'm due for a blood test on Monday so I then thought it must just be a reminder. I dreamt last night that they called to tell me that they found something in my lungs and wanted to scan them as well. I must be getting anxious about what I'll hear on the 24th already

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