Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home From the Hospital

I got released about 12:15 this afternoon. Things settled down after my last note last night. My itchy palm lasted about 5 minutes before it went away and all my vitals stayed good every time they were checked. It was around midnight by the time the 12 hour dose was started and I asked for ativan to help me sleep because I was a little wound up after my scare that I was going to have a reaction. That did the trick and I slept soundly until 5:30 am when I was awakened with an offer of zofran and a vitals check. Everything was still good. I thought about trying to get more sleep but I ended up staying up. I ordered breakfast as soon as the kitchen opened at 7 and Darcy arrived with a yummy latte before breakfast did at 8am. After breakfast we sat around waiting for the darn drip to run out. We took a few laps around the ward dragging my infusion machine with us. Seems like it took forever for that last 100 ML to run through. Finally at 11:45 the machine started beeping it was empty. I got unplugged, got dressed and had to wait another 15 minutes for the discharge paperwork. Then I was FREE!

I am tired [probably a lack of sleep thing] and miss having my Saturday to do my own thing on the last day I feel decent. Hopefully the next time will go a little more smoothly now that I know what to expect. If they can just get the meds lined up so we don't waste time waiting on them, that would help alot. I wonder if I could go to the Cancer Institute to get my port accessed after radiation, then I don't have to wait for the hospital to have their guy available. If we could get that 12 hour dose started by 9 or 10pm I could get a good night's sleep AND get out of there by 9 or 10 the next day. One can always hope anyway. :)

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