Saturday, January 3, 2009

Feeling pretty good

I have to say, at the risk of jinxing things, this last chemo round went better than any of the priors, including the 2003-4 set. I never really felt as sick, and had less joint pain than I usually do, I had energy for more days into it and then haven't crashed energy-wise, even after I started feeling better. I was tired Day 6, but not like I used to be and by Thursday, I was feeling pretty good. I worked from 7:30 to 5:00 yesterday and still had energy at the end of the day. I didn't crash into bed at 7:30-8:00 like I did last time around. Amazing. This morning I feel like I could do my old 2.5 mile walk around Seward Park. In fact, I may go for a partial walk around the park today. I miss going there in the mornings.

I wish I could pinpoint what it was that helped but I can think of a combination of factors. I think the L-Glutamine has helped alot. I also drank plenty of water without overdoing it. Radiation was finished, although the fatigue from that should be more pronounced now than it was in December. Putting Icy Hot on my joints did help. Maybe the biggest thing though was having Ativan and Ambien to help with sleep. It worked really well one night and then at least gave me some rest another two nights. Being more rested gave me more energy and allowed me to be more active, which may have helped work the chemo through my system. I was also having alot of hip pain last time and being in pain can sap your energy as well. My hip is doing so well I feel like getting out and walking to test it out. :)

I did finally blister right in the crease of my leg/groin from the radiation. I wasn't expecting that this far after finishing. It hasn't been too bad because there is not alot of rubbing going on there. Once I figured out what was going on, it's been better and seems to be healing.

Overall, I'm feeling more positive about things today.


My brother was visiting from Spokane this weekend and had shaved his head in solidarity with me. Here's a pic of the two of us with nearly matching heads.


Kathryn said...

I did go to Seward Park to walk yesterday and it felt great to be out moving again. I went for a bit over a mile and a half but it did wipe me out a little and I've had less energy since then. I guess I should watch it a little more to not over do it. Maybe I'll find a route about a mile long and stick to that while I'm still doing chemo. My groin is a little sorer, too, but not too bad.

Catherine Jones McClarin said...

Just checking in. How wonderful that your brother shaved his head to express his solidarity! And it sounds like you are tolerating this round pretty well. I'm very glad! Thank you for letting me share your journey.

Mari said...

Now wouldn't it be something if your sister would shave her head too!!

Kathryn said...

Mari, don't you mean "sister-S"?