Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Greetings from the hospital again

After chemo last week, I would normally start feeling better by Tuesday, but this go around, I didn't perk up as soon as I should have. In fact, I got a sore throat and started running a low grade fever by Tuesday evening. I ended up missing work all week. I felt a little better Saturday morning and met some friends for an event, but left early and crashed again after I got home. Felt bad all day Sunday as well. By Sunday night my throat was so sore I finally took a vicodan and was able to gt some sleep. Yesterday morning I felt much better, though I had no voice. I went to work and held up pretty well, though all the talking really made my throat hurt by the end of the day.

I was scheduled for a blood test at the oncologist's and I asked them about the sore throat. They said to see my primary care physician if I wanted treatment for that. After the test, they called and left a message that my white blood cell count was "a tad bit low" and I should see my primary care physician. I didn't get that message until after 5 because my voice mail is screwed up. So I got the earliest appointment I could get which was Wednesday morning. In an abundance of caution I decided to call the consulting nurse at Group Health to see if it was ok to wait that long. She told me to go to Urgent Care that night. After 4 hours and a bunch of tests, turns out my neutrofils were alarmingly low. They talked with the oncologist's office and had me admitted to Swedish about 1am. Got about 2 hours of sleep last night.

Spoke with the resident this morning and they are still running tests looking for signs of infection. They will give me a shot to boost my production of white blood cells, then let me go when my counts are closer to normal. I'm not looking forward to this. I hear those shots hurt.

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