Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Radiation update

Just a week left, but it's started to kick my butt energy wise. I don't remember being this tired the first couple times I did this, but I was doing chemo, too, then, and probably blamed the chemo more than the radiation. My hip is doing pretty well. Every now and then I'll have a stiff day, but I think it's getting better.

I called my oncologist about starting chemo and he says ideally they would want to start 3 or 4 weeks after finishing radiation. I rescheduled our trip to Kodiak to September so we can be in Kodiak for my sister's birthday and will just ask him to work around that trip. That means starting sometime in mid August. I would just as soon get it over with and to do it in the "ideal way" rather than take a break right now.

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