Monday, December 22, 2008

I won't make radiation today

We got more snow yesterday and overnight that gives us a total of about a foot of snow. The only vehicles we see moving are those with chains and 4 wheel drives. I tried getting my car out of it's spot and no way. Even Darcy, who managed to get me there after our 8 inches Thursday, was only barely able to get out of the driveway. She was slipping and sliding on the level street. Alaska has not been plowed and I doubt it's even been sanded, but there is so much snow on the street I don't think it would matter.

I was also due for a blood draw today prior to my appointment on Wednesday. There is more snow in the forecast for tomorrow, but hopefully not as much as we have been getting. It is above freezing today, but only barely, and it's not really melting off except where we have shoveled.

My head is getting pretty bald but the pace of the fallout has slowed a little, probably because there is less hair to fall out. :)


Catherine Jones McClarin said...

Hi Kathryn -

I was doing a random look through blogs and came across yours. I hope you won't mind if I accompany you on your journey? Since we have the same name, I already feel connected to you! BTW, my beloved stepmother is a cancer survivor, so I am not a cancer "virgin".

With warm affection,

Kathryn said...

Welcome OyaSophia. I don't mind at all if you come along. This as a way to keep friends and family informed but anyone interested in a cancer survivor's journey is welcome as well.